05.5 - methods to remove bed bugs

Exterminators: How Do They Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

You can start to worry that you have bed bugs if you wake up in the morning and find red, itchy bites on your arms and legs. Call a bed bug exterminator as soon as you find bed bugs if you want to get rid of the pesky invaders from your California home. After you’ve provided the exterminator with the specifics of the issue, they won’t do anything more than check your house to discover if bed bugs are there. This stage is crucial because if an exterminator just started treating without first checking, the effects might be different. You have reached your original location and are without further options.

Surface Treatment & Deep Steaming

Your exterminator might employ one of the following techniques, depending on how serious the situation is. 

If the California bed bug exterminator finds that the infestation is not well-established, chemical treatments might not be necessary. To stop an infestation, he or she may simply advise washing or removing your bed sheets.

Getting Ready the Surface and Deep Steaming

Using a specialized high-efficiency vacuum, an exterminator can get rid of any loose bed bugs, eggshells, shell fragments, or droppings from the folds and corners of your bedding. A filter on this particular vacuum ensures that once anything is sucked in, it cannot be removed. To make certain that everything on the surface is taken out, this vacuum is ran over the mattress, box spring, and bed frame. 

Before using a steam cleaner to thoroughly clean the mattress, box spring, and bed frame, the exterminator will vacuum the area to get rid of any leftover insects or their eggs. When there isn’t a large infestation and the homeowner has dogs or young children who could be badly affected by some chemicals within the home, they will use this procedure. 


To get rid of bed bugs and their eggs, an exterminator may use a pesticide that can be sprayed straight into the bed. Since it could hurt them, this technique should not be utilized in households with dogs, young children, or elderly family members. The exterminator can spray pesticide all over the bed, box spring, and bed frame, much like he did with the vacuum and steam cleaner, if you don’t have pets, young children, or elderly family members. 


The word “insecticide” should not arouse dread. Science has advanced considerably. Insecticides are more frequently used by exterminators today than the “bug bomb” methods you see on television. These techniques are used to treat the bed as well as any cracks where bed bugs might try to enter. In some regions, this treatment will stop pests from surviving. 

Heat Therapy

Extreme heat makes it impossible for bed bugs to thrive. Exterminators utilize heat treatment to kill the insects in more severe or pervasive infestations. Everything that is heat-sensitive is removed from the room and the lights are turned off because the room will become very warm throughout this process. Bed bugs will perish under the high heat, along with any eggs they may have deposited. Similar to the steam method, this procedure is risk-free for homes with pets, small children, and senior family members.