06 - bed bug infestation

How to Know If You Have Bed Bugs in Your Home

Bed bugs are among the most obnoxious pests. They’re also adaptable: being natural travelers, they may quickly spread to new homes, offices, hotels, airlines, and even retail shops through clothing and bags. In this post, we’ll go through the signs Having bedbugs in your house will enable you to know when to call Thousand Oaks Pest Control for bed bug control.

Signs to look for:

  • Bed bug bites on your legs and arms.
  • Minor black stains on your sheets and mattress.
  • Bed bug exoskeletons or eggs around your bed.
  • Active monitors can alert you to bed bugs.

We provide free bed bug inspections in the Phoenix metro area. Contact our team right now to begin.

Bed bug infestation in your home: 4 warning indications

Please notify our team if you see any of these bed insect signs in your house.

1. Bed bug bites

This is most certainly the most common way for people to discover they have bed bugs. These bugs are bloodsuckers that like to reside in places with easy access to blood at night, such as your bed.

Because bed bug bites are painless, you may not see or feel the marks until the following morning. Bed bug saliva causes an allergic reaction on your skin, causing the bites to produce painful, red welts.

The problem emerges for many homeowners when they try to distinguish between bed bug bites and mosquito bites. One technique is to log when and where you were bitten. Call Thousand Oaks Pest Control if you observe that most of your bites are on your feet and hands, which are preferred bed bug targets.

2. Bed bug defecation

Okay, we’ll try not to freak you out, but this is a handy approach for distinguishing between bed bugs and other insect bites. Lift your mattress and thoroughly check it and the box spring. You could notice bed bugs or what they left behind. Bed bug droppings have reddish-brown stripes.

Yes, this is repulsive. It may also be tough to know what to look for while inspecting. To put your mind at ease, call Thousand Oaks Pest Control for a free bed bug check.

3. Exoskeletons and eggs

Bed bugs shed their skin. Exoskeletons surrounding the bed frame or mattresses indicate a bed bug infestation. Exoskeletons may also be found in dresser drawers, picture frames, and electrical outlets. They like hiding in molting crevices. Bed bug eggs are relatively small, measuring around 1 mm in diameter, and white.

4. Active monitors

An active monitor that uses chemical lures or carbon monoxide may be utilized to confirm the existence of bed bugs. These monitors are effective at determining whether or not you have bed bugs. However, they are far more costly than just calling us for a free bed bug assessment.

Call Thousand Oaks Pest Control to schedule your free bed bug inspection.

Our pest treatment experts carefully inspect your home and use advanced gear and years of experience to determine if you have bed bugs. If you do, our specialists can help you altogether remove the infestation. Chemicals bought at a shop will not suffice. If you had an expert, that would be beneficial. On your side, regarding bed bugs.

To begin your examination, please contact our team.